At MESCH, clean energy is our mission Empowering progress & transforming lives.

MESCH (Modular Energy Storage with Clean Hydrogen) is an innovative project dedicated to providing sustainable energy solutions in Africa. By combining advanced lead battery technology with clean hydrogen production, MESCH aims to deliver reliable and renewable power to hospitals, rural communities, and agricultural initiatives, driving impactful change across the continent.


Clean Hydrogen Innovation

MESCH uses advanced lead battery tech to convert solar power into reliable energy and clean hydrogen. Join us in driving the future of sustainable energy.

Collection of solar energy

Solar panels will capture and convert sunlight into renewable electrical energy.


Electricity will be stored in the battery-electrolysed for use when grid electricity is unavailable.

Generation of clean fuel

Battery-electrolyser will also convert excess electricity into clean hydrogen fuel.

Replacement of diesel and conventional cooking fuels

Hydrogen will be used as a low-cost and clean cooking fuel. The batteries will power the critical building if grid power is interrupted.

Driving Sustainable Change

At MESCH, our goals are ambitious yet attainable. We aim to drastically reduce carbon emissions, enhance reliable power supply for hospitals, provide clean energy to hundreds of thousands, and pioneer innovative hydrogen production. Our milestones are stepping stones toward a brighter, sustainable future for Africa.


new rural schools equipped with solar energy systems


increase in reliable power supply for participating hospitals


people with improved access to clean energy


reduction in carbon emissions in target areas

Our journey so far


Concept Development and Initial Funding


Partnership Formation and Early Research


Launch of First Pilot Projects in Malawi


Expansion to Rural Schools and Additional Communities


Groundbreaking Ceremony for Hydrogen Facility


Full Deployment of MESCH Solutions Across Target Regions

Our Partners

Global collaboration

At MESCH, our goals are ambitious yet attainable. We aim to drastically reduce carbon emissions, enhance reliable power supply for hospitals, provide clean energy to hundreds of thousands, and pioneer innovative hydrogen production. Our milestones are stepping stones toward a brighter, sustainable future for Africa.


Designing for change


The brandmark’s composition is informed by the element
hydrogen, in its most common gas form, which is used in MESCH technology H2. The formation of its diatomic molecules also inspires its composition, with atoms captured mid formation, spelling out H2 in abstract form.


Having a brandmark separate from the wordmark, makes the identity extremely flexible. At smaller scales, which are especially prevalent in the digital space, the brandmark can be used independent from the wordmark and still drive brand recognition.

The digital footprint

At MESCH, we understand that every choice we make, even online, impacts the environment. The carbon footprint of our devices and the internet contributes to around 3.7% of global greenhouse emissions—comparable to the airline industry. Embracing dark mode aligns with our commitment to sustainability by reducing energy use and supporting our goals for a greener future.

Our team